After reckoning on braving the grey weather to pop over to Wallasey Beach Mini Golf we were gutted to find that we’d wasted our £1.70 tunnel fee as the place wasn’t open. So to make the most of it (and not feel that we had also wasted the return toll) we decided to just take a walk down the prom, perhaps not as far as Seacombe, but far enough along to make us not feel too guilty about buying some cream eggs for on the way. As the tide was out, we took the opportunity to visit the lighthouse, we’d not been up close to it before. A few of the snaps of it and the immediate surroundings are here to see. Plus the mornings fry (well grill) up
There are no photos of the walk as it was sooo cold we decided to call it a day and have a well earned (coffee.. Well it was cold) in The Master Mariner before heading back home to the warmth!